Start Something New
One of my favorites movies is Hope Floats. I don’t care if that dates me, its worth a watch. But my favorite line in that movie is this one, “Beginnings are usually scary, endings are usually sad, but its the middle that counts.”
Beginnings are usually scary.
I remember the first time I held my firstborn son who is now nine. I was overcome with joy. He was perfect in every way a newborn baby is to a brand new mom. But I also remember the first time my husband and I got into our old beat up 4runner to drive our new baby home. We were freaked out. How in the world are we qualified to take this baby home?! We weren’t. But we learned.
Endings are usually sad.
I still remember how heartbreaking it was when I had to resign from a job that Ioved. It was embarrassing, ugly and downright hive inducing. I was devastated. I cried a lot out of shame and thoughts of failure. I had finally found a creative shoe that fit and I mucked it up. But I learned.
But the middle?
Well, that’s what matters. Its when you have come out of life-changing seasons and you’ve actually allowed God to change you. It’s when you’ve weathered grief and failure, but aren’t bitter because of it. It’s when you look at yourself in the mirror and no longer care to see a younger version of yourself. Its when you understand that fresh wrinkles are God’s gift to the woman who is growing up.
If you are older than you used to be, but younger than you will be someday— then its always a good time to start something new.
Be a life-long beginner. Live scared. And do things that matter.
“Cultivate these things. Immerse yourself in them. The people will all see you mature right before their eyes! Keep a firm grasp on both your character and your teaching. Don’t be diverted. Just keep at it.” (1 Timothy 4:15-16, MSG)